I’m working on this new logo inspired by the old Indian head test pattern that used to run back in the day when TV stations would sign off. It was like the little Indian show when nothing else was on air. In a sense that’s what Tiahui Picture Company is right now, as media on the fringes that exists alternatively. I was going to add even more of a Xikano twist to this and make the Indian head a Mexica Indian head but when I changed this one it reminded me of my uncle Tomas.
March meeting is always packed there at their home/tipi grounds and it’s always cold. That time I remember it was freezing and I was sitting in the caboose of the tipi with my bros Cisco and JoJo. Crowdog was a little late and ended up in the caboose right across from us. Even when they offered him a warmer spot he still roughed it out in the caboose. But I remember they were conducting some business for the Teocalli and we were watching Crowdog who went out to the car and came back in with a headdress. We were like “What’s this guy doing?” But he walked over to Uncle Tomas and placed the headdress in front of him saying “That’s for your people!”
I remember when Uncle Tomas was singing those four songs in the morning he put that headdress on and it looked a little big over his eyes. To this day I still remember that morning and him jamming out those songs with that headdress on… still one of the greatest memories I have around these ceremonial wayz!
So you see I was going to give the logo more of a Xikano twist but seeing Tio Tomas in the Indian head it’s like there’s still a Xikano there. Now if only I could figure out how to hack a TV station… N8TIVE Unity Yo!